

A KarmaBook is a game, an educational, socializing and practical learning website for all those who wish to learn more about individual life and to understand how life is interrelated with the rest of the world and one’s Karma. A KarmaBook offers each user to interact with other users, socialize, create individual pages, blogs, and gain practical experience of how every and each action affects one's Life and Karma. Like other websites, KarmaBook will allow you to exchange photos and images, music and video, to ask and answer questions, blog, and chat. KarmaBook's focus will be on an individual experience and information from “first hand”. Thus any music or photos etc are valued if come through personal experience.
  • PHP
  • NodeJS
  • Databases: MySQL
  • Redis
  • Memcached
  • RabbitMQ
  • ReactJS
  • React Native
  • GraphQL