

Triggr, a revolutionary prospecting engine offering clients relevant information on companies, employees, vacancies, and statistics - needed a platform capable of unifying all of its operating data in one place while keeping it simple and easily accessible. Here, the backend stack consists of several NodeJS apps working on separate inter-cooperating EC2 instances. The server (acting as HTTP REST API) operates on the Loopback v3 framework, and PostgreSQL acts as the database. Additional servers performing background tasks such as cron, jobs, re-indexation, etc. were launched to maintain the performance of the main instances. ElasticSearch and Redis-based Queue architecture ensure the app's overall productivity, while Stripe secures payment processing. On the frontend side, VueJS framework provides the interface, with the Vuex library operating on the storage of the launched app.
  • PostgreSQL
  • AWS
  • NodeJS
  • Elasticsearch
  • Redis
  • Vue.js