How We Developed A Cross-Platform Backpack


Description EIT Backpack was conceptualized as an innovation for young audiences as a tech-savvy way of standing out. It`s a smart cross-platform accessory, equipped by a LED-light panel. The photodiode surface is used for drawing, game display, and animation, and other kinds of self-expression. Challenges The company was preparing for the WebSummit, and they needed a reliable MVP for the event. PIX team already had a functioning backpack, but it was necessary to integrate the mobile application to the solution. So, our team was tasked to combine the backpack with a practical Internet of things solution that would work under different weather conditions and withstand minimal physical damage. We assisted in connecting the physical object (the backpack) to the application. Results PIX Backpack attracted both end-users and investors and has impressed multiple international experts. The product’s functionality and the interface was highly praised by its target audience and technology professionals, which led to rapid startup growth and financial development
  • React Native
  • Bluetooth
  • Flutter mobile development
  • ux